首页 > 题库 > 考研考博 > 考博英语 > 河北工业大学 > 河北工业大学2016年考博英语真题


  • 总       分:100分
  • 及格分数:60分
  • 总  题  数:22
  • 考试时间:180分钟
  • 试卷类型:历年真题




Directions: Each of the following questions consists of an incomplete sentence followed by four words or pairs of words. Choose that word or pair of words that when substituted for the blank space or spaces, best completes the meaning of the sentence and mark the letter of your choice on your answer sheet.


Directions: In this part, there are three passages, each followed by five questions. Please read the passages carefully, and choose one from A, B, C and D that best answers each question. Please mark the letter of your choice on your answer sheet.


Directions: Please read the following passage and decide which word or phrase from the four marked as A, B, C and D can best fit in the blanks in the passage. Mark the letter of your choice on your answer sheet.


Directions: This part consists of a short passage. In this passage, there are altogether 10 mistakes, one in each numbered line. You may have to change a word, add a word or delete a word. Mark out the mistakes and put the detailed corrections on your answer sheet.


Please translate the following passage into Chinese or English.