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Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage.

Let us think about what situations people usually see as stressful. I will not touch on health issues, job loss, divorce, and other similar situation. Instead, I want to focus on what I call mood-eaters. By mood eaters, I mean situations in which we are able to choose our attitude instead of immediately getting stressed,

According to my observations, many stressful situation are not as serious as they might seem. Here are some common situations that may influence your mood. You texted (发短信) your beloved and she or he did not respond. Your wi-fi connection was down right when you were watching TV series online. Your flight was delayed for an hour. Your boss asked you to stay for two more hours "just to finish that project of.".

Of course, these situations can be unpleasant, But what if I told you that you do not need to fight this stress? My choice is not to fight, but to accept and tun the obstacle in my favor. Like in the example with the delayed flight. sure, you might be late, you are nervous, but does it rally help the situation if you just sit and wait for the next plane stressfully. When my flights are delayed, I never worry, because I always have some interesting and useful books with me. Or, say, your boss added some additional work to your schedule, This is a nightmare for sure. You have several ways to approach the situation. You can see it as an investment in your reputation; who knows, perhaps your agreement would positively affect your image in your boss' eyes? Or, if the boss abuses you with such requests this might be your chance to learn how to say "No" in the politest and the most delicate way. You might enjoy working in the completely empty office. You can come up with any other problem-solution scenario.

Be creative instead of automatically becoming stressed and dissatisfied- What I was trying to tell you is that not any situation we used to call stressful is a stress. To a significant extent, it is your choice how to react to what is going on in your life; it is you who chooses how to behave and what to do. Most people think like this: These situations are bad, so I am going to become upset every time I face one." In reality, all situations are neutral, and only you are responsible for how you feel about them.

Which of the following situations does the author consider as a mood-eater?

A.Job loss.
B.Suffering from a fatal disease.
D.Working for two more hours.
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