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The Job I Would Like to Do after Graduation

After years of industrious yet fruitful study in college, I will graduate and be ready to serve society by taking up my first job. Most of my classmates consider pay as the top priority in choosing a job, but to obtain a job that is intellectually rewarding, creative, and contributive has been my ambition for many years. I believe that this kind of job is worthiest of devotion.

A job that is intellectually rewarding is one that can provide me with opportunities to deal with books every day, and to busy myself with the mystery of mankind and the universe. In a world in which money is very often valued more than anything else, I sometimes feel as if I were pulled by some evil force to the acquisitive society. Therefore, I wish the job I do in the future will be able to keep me from being enslaved by materialism. Good books, I know, will keep me awake. Moreover, a job, which brings me into contact with great minds, will excite my curiosity and fire my imagination. It will lay one question after another in front of me, urging me to seek the answer. Thus, I will always be able to maintain a youthful spirit.





A contributive job is one that helps to make my country strong and prosperous. I remember my first train journey to the university. On the way I was shocked to see, in some rural areas, the shabby huts that I took for cowsheds but were actually people's dwelling places. Thereafter, these huts flash into my mind from time to time, reminding me of my duty to help those people improve their lives. Therefore, the job which I would like to choose after graduation is not one which promises a bright future for myself only, but one which will help to bring about a better life for many other people.

These are what I would seek in my career. Provide me with a job which bears the above characteristics, and I will dedicate myself to it. I trust that an intellectually rewarding, creative and contributive job will give me the greatest satisfaction.

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