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The Benefits of Regular Exercise

In recent years, many people have become increasingly aware of the need for physical fitness. Almost everywhere people turn, whether to a news stall or television, advice for improving health bombards them. Although much of this advice is for commercial purposes, some of it, especially that advocating a regular exercise program, deserves serious attention. Such a program, if consisting of exercise at least thirty minutes three times a week, provides numerous benefits. Regular exercise releases tension, improves appearance, and increases stamina (耐力).

The first of these benefits, the release of tension, is immediate. Tension builds in the body because of stress, anxiety, or fear. Doctors agree that participating in an active sport such as tennis or volleyball for thirty minutes eases tension. If a person swims, jogs or rides a bicycle for half that time, he would sleep better at night and have a better mood the next day. In addition, after the relief of tension, minor irritations and frustrations should be less troubling. For example, if one is upset by the day’s work or by a traffic jam, he may rush home, argue with the family, and eat excessively. Taking about thirty minutes to release frustrations through physical exercise could help him to avoid this behavior. Planned physical exercise, therefore, can eliminate or at least control tension.





In addition to an improved appearance, increased physical strength produces stamina. A stronger, healthier body is obviously more capable of working harder in fact, of withstanding normal fatigue. A worker who exercises should be able to complete a forty-hour week and still retain enough energy for shopping and housework. Similarly, a student who goes to school, keeps house and perhaps works part time should accomplish tasks more efficiently. Equally important, this stamina helps to keep off illnesses such as colds and influenza. Altogether, improved endurance is one of the most important benefits of a regular exercise program.

Although easy solutions to weight-losing and body-shaping flood the media, actually acquiring these benefits is not easy. The rewards, however, are fully worth the effort. An established exercise program makes a person feel relaxed, look good, and have adequate strength for strenuous as well as routine activities.

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