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The Benefits of Solo Journeys

John Steinbeck once said, “People don’t take trips—trips take people.” A solo trip, in particular, can have lasting benefits. Generations of adventurers have set off on journeys of self-discovery—traveling alone to many breathtaking destinations. Some of the best travel memoirs tell stories of solo travelers finding themselves on their own. Apart from easing tension to boost happiness, the solitude during the trip also helps to build new relationships, allow for flexible schedules and arouse worthy reflections. Solo journeys can alleviate mild depression, thereby bringing joy. Recent research has found that the expectation of an upcoming vacation boosts feelings of happiness for up to eight weeks before the trip. Another study on adolescents suggests that time spent in solitude can help to shake off depression in young people. Free from the distractions of daily life, the traveler can focus his full attention on absorbing the present moment with all the senses. 





The solo traveler can be his master of the day, because he does not have to adhere to anyone else’s schedule. He can relax as much as he wants; he can rest and loosen up as long as he likes. He might indulge in full days reading on the beach, take a leisurely hike, or sit on a bench admiring a work of art—all on his own. “The experiences are mine and mine alone,” said a solo traveler. “I’ve really learned to enjoy spending time with myself.”

Traveling solo also offers a great chance for reflection. As one travel memoir writer stated, “There is a soul-searching power in each adventure on your own.” Getting to really know oneself is a wonderful by-product of a solo journey. Traveling alone allows one to witness how he reacts to different situations. Those reflections can help him to gain a deeper understanding of who he is and what matters to him. He will have a stronger sense of self and feel more self-assured.

Solo travel can afford the traveler the necessary time and solitude for experiencing unexpected pleasures, building new relationships, enjoying the slow pace and the reflections of life. Aside from all the excitement and adventure, it ultimately leads to self-discovery. The traveler, once hitting the road solo, will fall in love with it and the journey never ends.

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