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Mall People Having fun at entertainment centers can exhaust one’s pocket money or bank account. By the time a person has ridden the Ferris Wheel, the Crazy Mouse, Roller Coaster, and played video games, he may have little money left to buy movie tickets or eat a substantial dinner. As a result, he may turn from winning,dining and moviegoing to the nearby free-parking, free-admission shopping malls. Indeed, shopping malls are not just a paradise for youngsters; it can offer much to all. Teenagers, lovers on dates, and the nuclear family can all be observed having a good time at this alternative recreation spot. First of all, teenagers are the largest group of mallgoers. The boys saunter by in sneakers, T-shirts, and blue jeans, complete with a package of cigarettes sticking out of their pockets. The girls stumble along in high-heeled shoes and fancy hairstyles, with hairbrushes tucked in the rear pockets of their tight-fitting designer jeans. Traveling in a gang that resembles a wolf pack, the teenagers make the shopping mall their hunting ground. Their raised voices, loud laughter and occasional shouted obscenities can be heard from as for as half a mile away. They basically just come to “hang out”. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Apart from teenagers and lovers, nuclear family members can also be identified as the largest group of mallgoers. Mom, Dad and little Jenny of Fred, visit the mall on Friday and Saturday evenings. Mom walks around looking at various things until she discovers that Jenny is seeing some of the special mall exhibits geared toward little children, or in the case of Fred, he is heading for the place that young boys find appealing. Indeed, the mall provides something special for every member of the nuclear family. In a word, the teenagers, lovers on dates, and the nuclear family make up the majority of mallgoers. There are also gray-hairs, whose attention may suddenly be caught by some modern gadgets. These people may end up spending little money, but they need not purchase anything to find pleasure at the mall. They are shopping for inexpensive recreation, and the mall provides it.

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