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Cultural Differences in England and France
Cultural differences can take many forms. I have noticed many differences in French culture compared to English culture, from the way people dress, to their attitudes towards food, to what they do for fun. One thing that has struck me in particular in France is personal interactions with each other.(1)
Firstly, it's the kissing. Everyone kisses each other on the cheek. It's a greeting, instead of saying “hi” or “hello”.(2)Everyone participates in the kissing ritual, the young, the old, male, female, strangers and friends. I kiss my friends. I kiss the teachers at the school. And even if I'm in a hurry, I am still expected to make time to give acquaintances a quick kiss on the cheek as I rush past. I don't mind it.(3)It quickly turns strangers into acquaintances, and acquaintances into friends.
Another thing that I've noticed is that people France are much more open with people they don't know.(4)In France, however, on long train journeys people have often started a conversation with me for no reason. They have a chat simply to pass the time. And I really enjoy being able to share a part of my life and my story with someone else.
Whatever impressions you may have about French people, I have found that they are, for the most part, open and at ease talking to strangers.(5)

A.In fact, I quite like it.
B.They differ a lot from those in the UK.
C.Often the kiss is a substitute for words.
D.This makes me more comfortable with them too.
E.Britons often greet each other with hugs and kisses.
F.In England, you talk to a stranger only if completely necessary.
A.In fact, I quite like it.
B.They differ a lot from those in the UK.
C.Often the kiss is a substitute for words.
D.This makes me more comfortable with them too.
E.Britons often greet each other with hugs and kisses.
F.In England, you talk to a stranger only if completely necessary.
A.In fact, I quite like it.
B.They differ a lot from those in the UK.
C.Often the kiss is a substitute for words.
D.This makes me more comfortable with them too.
E.Britons often greet each other with hugs and kisses.
F.In England, you talk to a stranger only if completely necessary.
A.In fact, I quite like it.
B.They differ a lot from those in the UK.
C.Often the kiss is a substitute for words.
D.This makes me more comfortable with them too.
E.Britons often greet each other with hugs and kisses.
F.In England, you talk to a stranger only if completely necessary.
A.In fact, I quite like it.
B.They differ a lot from those in the UK.
C.Often the kiss is a substitute for words.
D.This makes me more comfortable with them too.
E.Britons often greet each other with hugs and kisses.
F.In England, you talk to a stranger only if completely necessary.
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