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“Very few people like to talk about how much money they make—especially people who earn a lot of money,” wrote Salmon in his post Why Salaries Shouldn’t Be Secret, in the wake of news that recently—departed New York Times editor Jill Abramson had started asking questions about the pay discrepancy between her and her predecessor. “Since companies tend to be run by people who earn a lot of money, the result is a culture of silence and secrecy when it comes to pay.”
There are several surprising reasons. “Secrecy surrounding pay is generally a bad idea for any organizations,” Salmon wrote. “For one thing, secrecy about pay is bad for women, who are worse at asking for raises than men are. If men secretly ask for raises and secretly get then, while women don’t, then that helps to explain, at least in part, why men end up earning more than women,” Salmon wrote. “Secrecy around pay is also a great way to allow managers to—consciously or unconsciously —play favorites with their staff.”
“We’ve all worked in companies, I’m sure, where the only way to get a substantial raise is to confront management with a job offer from somewhere else,” he added. “That’s clearly a dreadful way to run a company, since it gives all employees a huge incentive to spend a lot of time looking for work elsewhere, even if they’re happy where they are.”
“If you work for a company where everybody knows what everybody else is earning, then it’s going to be very easy to see what’s going on. You’ll see who the stars are, you’ll see what kind of skills and talent the company rewards,” he wrote. “You’ll also see whether men get paid more than women, whether managers are generally overpaid, and whether behavior like threatening to quit is rewarded with big raises. What’s more, because management knows that everybody else will see such things, they’ll be much less likely to do the kind of secret deals which are all too common in most companies today.”
1. What do we learn from the first paragraph?
2. What is a possible reason why men usually earn more than women according to Salmon?
3. The italicized phrase “play favorites with” most likely means to ______.
4. Another big problem secrecy about pay might cause is ______.
5. What does Salmon suggest might happen if there is no secrecy in pay?

A.Salmon is the first writer who put forward the question of pay discrepancy.
B.Jill Abramson left New York Times when she knew that difference in pay.
C.Managers seldom talk about their pay because it is a tradition not to.
D.Jill Abramson didn’t get the same pay with someone who did the same job.
A.Men are more likely to get the trust of their boss.
B.Managers tend to think men are more capable than women.
C.Men expect more pressure on the boss for pay raise than women.
D.Men are more likely to make secret deal with the manager about pay.
A.make secret deals with
B.treat differently
C.show prejudice against
A.employees’ lack of full commitment
B.low productivity
C.unhappy employees
D.frequent confrontations
A.Managers will earn less than they do today.
B.Employees will be more skilled than today.
C.It will be clear who the boss’s favorite is.
D.The company will become a fairer place than today.
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