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The genetic characteristics of all life forms on earth are embodied in the chemical structure of DNA molecule. An organism’s DNA molecules provide a complete blueprint for its physical makeup. Genetic engineering is the process of altering the DNA genetic code to characteristics of plants and animals. Through the process, scientists can literally build to order new life forms that perform desired functions. For hundreds of years, humans have engineered the development of food crops and domesticated animals through selective breeding practices. For example, the modern dairy cow is the result of centuries of carefully breeding individual animals that carried the genetic trait for high milk production. However, new technology makes it possible for scientists to restructure the DNA molecules themselves and this obtains more rapid and more radical genetic changes than were possible in the past. This new process is commonly called recombinant DNA technology or gene splicing the pieces according to a new pattern. The genespliced DNA molecule may have a genetic code that has never existed before.
Although recombinant DNA technology is still in its infancy, it has already demonstrated its value. New crop breeds produced by his process are already growing in farmers’ fields. Crops that are genetically engineered to resist pests, diseases, and drought could be important in efforts to alleviate starvation around the world. Scientists are trying to use genetic engineering to produce important drugs such as insulin and interferon cheaply. They are also working on a genetically engineered generation of wonder drags to combat cancer and other killer diseases. However, the recombinant DNA technology brings with it problems our society has not previously faced. Gene splicing could produce new disease microorganisms, deadly to us or to the plants and animals upon which we depend. The possibility of altering human genetic structure raises serious moral political, and social issues. Genetic engineering illustrates dramatically the promises and angers of technological development. The decisions our society makes about genetic engineering will undoubtedly have tremendous consequences in the years to come.
31. The best title for this passage is ________.
32. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about recombinant DNA technology?
33. The word “alleviate” in paragraph 2 is nearest in meaning to ________.
34. It can be inferred from the passage that ________.
35. The author’s attitude towards genetic technologies is ________.

A.The Basic Function of Genetic Engineering
B.New Applications of Genetic Engineering
C.Recombinant DNA Technology, A New Process in Genetic Engineering
D.The Promises & Dangers of Technological Development
A.It can bring about rapid and radical genetic changes in life forms.
B.It can be used to restructure DNA molecules to produce new desired plant and animal breeds.
C.It may increase the risk of producing some unexpected diseases.
D.It proves an effective way to cure cancer and other incurable diseases.
A.there will inevitably be a heated debate over the general application of the recombinant DNA technology
B.the use of the recombinant DNA technology on human beings will be forbidden
C.the recombinant DNA technology can be traced back to hundreds of years ago
D.serious dilemmas may be generated when it is used to modify human genetic code
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