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About four years ago, Kerry Sturgill found herself at a career crossroads: Should she stay in an industry populated by extroverts (外向型的人) or jump ship to a more reflective place where introverts like her were in the majority
Career counselors had told her to get out of the highly extroverted public relations fields “so you can be happy and do what you are.” Among the less fast-paced areas they pointes to: art, scientific research, data analysis.
Such a move is definitely the right road for many introverts struggling to fit into an extroverted workplace. So, just what is an introvert anyway? It’s someone who is energized by thought and reflection, while extroverts are energized by socializing. Introverts naturally need to think before they speak. Extroverts use the speaking process to figure out what it is to say.
And, needless to say, there are pluses and minuses to both personality types.
Still, in the modern world where as many as two-thirds of the population may be extroverted, those who are the opposite can be misunderstood. They can be seen as antisocial, secretive, even territorial, because they can sometimes try to protect their “space” and quiet.
Workplaces can actually benefit from having both types, says Deborah Barrett, program director of the Rice University MBA communications program.
An introvert herself, she says she has the best of both worlds―working in an environment of professors, who tend towards introversion, yet getting to teach, which calls on her more “out there” skills.
Here’s her advice for those looking to follow the same path:
Make good use of e-mail. If you don’t get to make a point at a loud meeting, send a follow-up email sharing your thoughts.
If you don’t have an office and are easily distracted by ongoing small talk, consider listening to music through headphones. But take care not to make your more sociable neighbors feel rejected.
Sure, she says, if she had moved to a less stimulating environment, that might have “short- circuited a lot of my pain, but I also believe it would have short-circuited learning what’s made me a much more well-rounded person.” Her main lesson? “I don’t have to be an extrovert. I just have to play at being one for an hour.”
19. According to the career counselors, ____.
20. Which of the following statements is true?
21. According to the author, introverts are sometimes misunderstood because they are ____.
22. Deborah Barrett believes that teaching is a practice of ____.
23. By “short-circuited a lot of my pain” (in the last paragraph), Deborah Barrette means “______”.
24. We can learn from Deborah Barrett’s case that introverted people ____.

A.introverts should try to avoid working in a highly extroverted environment
B.introverts should try to change themselves to fit into an extroverted working environment
C.extroverts should work in less fast-paced areas such as art and scientific research
D.introverts can be happier if they can find jobs in the field of public relations
A.People with introverted personality have some disadvantages in finding jobs.
B.People with introverted personality have some advantages in working with others.
C.Both introverted and extroverted people have merits and demerits.
D.Most workplaces need more extroverted people than introverted ones.
A.ruined a lot of her happiness
B.saved her a lot of trouble
C.relieved her of a heavy burden
D.added to her sufferings
A.should not share offices with extroverted ones
B.are easily irritated by small talk
C.like to communicate with others via e-mail
D.are reluctant to express their ideas in public
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