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Classrooms Are Growing Greener
A"green classroom" used to refer to the color of paint on the wall. But today's green classrooms are greener than that! New"green" classrooms help schools save money and provide clean environments where students learn better.
Many classrooms are going green by adding a group of solar panels(太阳能电池板)to their roofs to absorb the sun's rays. The solar panels collect energy from the sun and use it to power lights and computers. They create at least as much electricity as the classrooms use. In addition, new lighting and air systems can be programmed to lower energy costs and water use.
Many new"green" classrooms are built using recycled materials. Some even use small pieces of material from blue jeans to cover walls and ceilings. This cuts heat and air conditioning bills, and it helps to soundproof (隔音)classrooms, too.
Green schools include many other new ideas. Some classrooms are painted with special smell-free paints that help improve indoor air.Some use no glues as they add chemical smells to the air. Others use three sheets of glass in windows and skylights to help keep classrooms warm in cold weather and let in a lot of natural daylight.
Experts say the benefits of building greener classrooms go beyond cost savings.Studies show that a healthful environment with good air quality can reduce colds and flu by more than 50 percent. That means fewer sick days for students and teachers. Studies have also shown that natural light and other green parts of the classroom improve students'learning and test scores.
11. The new green classroom refers to one that(  )

12.Lower costs for energy and water use are achieved by(  )

13.Old blue jeans are used in building some green classrooms to(  )

14.Indoor air quality can be improved by using(  )

15.What is the benefit of building greener classrooms?

A.uses more geen paints
B.attracts more students to class
C.costs more money to build
D.provides a better environment
A.building flat roofs
B.improving lighting and air systems
C.using the latest computers
D.covering the roofs with green plants
A.add color to the walls and ceilings
B.stimulate students'imagination
C.improve the soundproof effect
D.provide air conditioning
A.paints without smells
B.natural daylight
C.three sheets of glass in windows
D.high-quality glues
A.Cost savings will be as high as 50 percent.
B.Schools can admit students with high scores.
C.Students and teachers will suffer fewer illnesses.
D.Students can do more after-class activities.
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