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How to Speak a Foreign Language Well
Languages are meant to be(spoken)(speak). So,in order to learn a foreign language(41)(effective), you should try to speak with native speakers. Thus your(42) (confident) will be greatly increased. However,the(43)(major) of learners do not live in the target language countries,and so they cannot benefit from practicing with native speakers.
On the other hand, you can make(44)(impress)progress by speaking to fellow learners.Don't be (45)(worry)because both of you are not native speakers. Practice ten(46)(minute) every day.After a few weeks, you will begin to notice a(47)(different).Speaking with others is the best way to ensure that you can really make yourself(48)(understand).It is also a good way of (49)(identify)the words and phrases that you will need in(50)(day)life.

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