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Those of you who approve the death penalty might be able to give 91.
New Jersey some advice on that you think the best way is to execute some- 92.
one. It’s one of the states that can’t decide. Everyone is always looking for
the most humane method, but if you are among the people who think the
death penalty is a deterrent crime, putting someone to death in the most 93.
humane manner isn’t the best way to get what you are going after. If you 94.
want to scare criminals off murder, maybe you’d want to consider a law
that could call up torturing them to death. 95.
How about burying them in sand up to their chins and leave them in 96.
the hot sun? I’ve read that they do it that way in some Middle East coun- 97.
tries. That would surely deter any would-be murderer who can’t take the
heat, I should think.
Another thing you should consider a deterrent is the firing squad. It’s 98.
dramatic, it’s long-drown-out, and unless you also make it mandatory for 99.
the television networks to show it on the evening news, everyone would
watch and think of twice or perhaps even three or four times before mur- 100.
dering anyone.

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