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England became unified late in the 15th century. On Bosworth Field, in 1485, Henry Tudor put an end to the civil strife of the Wars of the Roses and crowned himself Henry VII. Forcefully bringing recalcitrant nobles to heel, he strengthened his authority. For the first time in nearly a century, the country had stability in government and a considerable degree of peace and prosperity. Henry, therefore, could devote his attention to the promotion of commerce. He encouraged English merchants to enter foreign trade, supported the formation of trading companies, and restricted the activities of the foreign merchants in London and Bristol, who had monopolized trade. Columbus even sent his brother to England when he failed to obtain support from the Portuguese or Spanish Kings for his proposal that Cathay could be reached by sailing west across the Atlantic. Henry VII agreed to finance the voyage and urged Columbus to come at once to England. But, before the latter left Spain, the Spanish monarchs experienced a change of heart and supported the voyage that was to give Spain an empire.
Meanwhile, Henry VII never gave up his hope of obtaining for England a share of the rich Eastern trade. British merchants established a trade link with Iceland about 1490. And encouraged by news of Columbus’voyage, on March 5, 1496, Henry VII granted letters-patent to the “well-beloved John Cabot” and his three sons to sail across the Atlantic to Asia. An Italian-born navigator, Cabot had lived in England since 1484. As a youth, he had visited the East, and when he arrived in London he had already decided that an all-water route could be found to the trading centers there. He may have made a few trips to Iceland before the King commissioned his trans-Atlantic voyage.
In May of 1497, Cabot left Bristol with a crew of 18 and, after a voyage of 52 days across the North Atlantic, landed on Cape Breton Island and took possession of the land for Henry VII. From there, he explored several islands in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and in August returned to England and the praise of Henry VII, who granted him new letters-patent. When Cabot sailed again, in 1498, he had perhaps 5 or 6 ships, whose crews totaled some 300 men. The King personally financed a substantial portion of the expedition’s cost. On his second voyage, Cabot probably explored the North American coast from Newfoundland south to the Delaware or Chesapeake Bays.
Having failed to find the shores of Cathay (China) or Cipango (Japan), the English turned in the opposite direction. Henry Ⅶ’s son, Henry Ⅷ—better known for his martial involvement and his break with the Pope—enthusiastically began to build “a fleet the like of which the world has never seen.” John Cabot’s son, Sebastian, became a renowned navigator. After serving Spain for a number of years, he returned to England and opened the northern sea-land route to Moscow. He also helped found the company of Merchant-Adventurers, predecessor of the Muscovy Company, and became its president for life.
Thus, for nearly a century, England’s interest was diverted from the New World and her energies were concentrated on the development of a commercial empire and a merchant fleet that became second to none in Europe. But John Cabot had given England a claim to the northern shores of the New World, and in the course of time the “sea dogs” and other English mariners were to breathe new life into it.
31. The main purpose of the passage is to_______.
32. Which of the following statement is best supported by information in the passage?
33. The author cites Columbus chiefly to______.
34. According to the Passage, Sebastian Cabot and Christopher Columbus______.
35. The author suggests that Henry Ⅶ’s interest in navigation was chiefly______.
36. According to the passage Henry Ⅶ’s policies included all of the following EXCEPT______.
37. Which of the following statements is best supported by information in the passage?
38. For the purposes of this passage, the end of the wars of the Roses was important chiefly because ______.
39. For the purposes of this passage, John Cabot’s principal importance is that he______.
40. According to the passage, the initial voyages of Christopher Columbus and John Cabot were motivated chiefly by a desire_______.

A.recount the Cabots’contributions to England’s commercial development
B.demonstrate the far-sightedness of the Tudor monarchs
C.explain England’s early involvement with the New World
D.analyze the late 15th century competition between England and Spain
A.Henry Ⅶ followed his father’s policy of rapid exploration of the New World.
B.England’s superior merchant fleet was established before her initial voyages to the New World.
C.Henry Ⅷ’s fame rests mainly on his establishment of a commercial empire.
D.Sebastian Cabot established a sea-land route to Moscow during Henry VIII’s reign.
A.emphasize the competition between England and Spain.
B.illustrated the disloyalty of Spanish navigators
C.demonstrate that England trailed her chief rivals in exploration
D.illustrate Henry Ⅶ’s interest in promoting commerce
A.competed with each other to find new routes to the New World
B.discovered continents
C.established trading companies
D.worked for Spanish monarchs
A.financing of foreign-born voyagers
B.use of force in subduing English nobles
C.encouragement of foreign merchants in England
D.formation of trading companies
A.Some early voyagers were willing to serve whatever king would finance their expeditions.
B.Henry VII wished to reach the New World before Spain did.
C.Most early voyagers were not well compensated for their discoveries.
D.English monarchs were quick to recognize the importance of the discovery of the New World.
A.it established the Tudor dynasty in England
B.it brought a benevolent king to the English throne
C.it united England, Scotland, and Wales
D.the ensuing peace allowed commercial development
A.established England’s claim in the New World
B.opened new commercial routes to the East
C.gave England naval supremacy in Europe
D.proved that all-water routes to major trading centers existed
A.to find a route to Asia
B.for personal gain
C.to discover new lands
D.to increase their monarchs’empires
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