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Secrets for a Happier You
Some people are naturally blessed with a cheerful character. They spread warmth and sunshine wherever they go. They attract people like bees to honey. So what is it that makes these people so different from others?
① The most important secret to happiness is to be grateful for the good things in your life——whatever may be your financial position. Instead of appreciating material wealth, be thankful for the loved ones in your life and enjoy the little pleasures of life that come your way.
② The next important secret is to develop relationships. Increasing social contacts helps boost brain power. Therefore, work towards improving your relationships and take time off to get in touch with friends. This will lift some burden off your shoulders, especially when you share your thoughts and feelings. Socializing can give you an added boost to your moods.
③ Thirdly, do not hold a grudge(怨恨)against anyone. Instead, learn to be kind, generous, and forgiving towards others, even to the person who hurt you. Be sympathetic and understanding, and try not to criticize others. Focus on the positives of a person instead of the negatives, for none of us is born perfect. It will keep your heart and mind free and peaceful.
④ Besides, involve yourself in some creative process, be it dancing, writing or drawing. This can bring out the hidden talent in you to achieve magical happiness. Or pick up new skills and feel the great sense of satisfaction by carrying out certain tasks which you otherwise would never have felt.
⑤ Finally, follow a daily regular sleep-wake cycle to keep you energetic and happy. Exercise regularly or practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing and yoga(瑜伽). Ensure you get eight to nine hours of sleep every day and have a well-balanced diet.

1.A cheerful character makes you____.
2.Enjoy the pleasures of life____.
3.Socializing can make you____.
4.Try to forgive____.
5.Creative activities enable you____.

A.more intelligent
B.even if you are poor
C.different from others
D.even when you are hurt
E.to develop your potential
F.to gain more material wealth
A.more intelligent
B.even if you are poor
C.different from others
D.even when you are hurt
E.to develop your potential
F.to gain more material wealth
A.more intelligent
B.even if you are poor
C.different from others
D.even when you are hurt
E.to develop your potential
F.to gain more material wealth
A.more intelligent
B.even if you are poor
C.different from others
D.even when you are hurt
E.to develop your potential
F.to gain more material wealth
A.more intelligent
B.even if you are poor
C.different from others
D.even when you are hurt
E.to develop your potential
F.to gain more material wealth
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