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What is the importance of the Afro-American history to all Americans? How could Afro-Americans contribute anything to American history when they were just slaves and servants? This is the image which many of us are taught when we go to school. This is the image many Afro-Americans have of themselves also. The Afro-Americans need to remake their real historical image so that it is known and accepted in its truthfulness by themselves and the rest of the world. Men and women of darker color are human beings entitled to respect and acceptance in history.
When we think of famous scientists and inventors we immediately think of men such as Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison and Jonas E. Salk. This is because we associate famous people with the Anglo-Saxon race. But what about the Afro-American inventors and scientists? How many men during World War I owed their lives to Garrett Morgan who invented the gas mask? Garrett Morgan also invented the traffic light which saves numerous lives on our streets. Daniel Hale Williams was the first successful heart surgeon. Charles Drew saved hundreds of thousands of lives during World War II by his discovery of the ways and means of preserving blood plasma. These men and others, should be as easily recognized as Bell, Edison and Salk.
America is made up of many different blends of cultures. These many cultures have come to enrich and diversify the American way of life. We should not think, because history has neglected to include the background of a particular culture, that these people have an inferior history. We should search for the truth and set the record straight against the slanders, the stereotyping and false images which have identified these people. We should understand each of the cultures and learn of their specific contribution to American’s life story.
51. This passage talks about all the following themes EXCEPT that ______.

52. According to the author, the Afro-Americans ______.

53. Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the second paragraph?

54. Which of the following sentences best expresses the main idea of the third paragraph?

55. The main purpose of the author in writing the essay is ______.

A.the image of the Afro-Americans has changed in American history
B.there are many Afro-Americans who are famous as scientists and inventors
C.Afro-American history must be recognized as an important part of American history
D.many cultures have contributed to American history
A.are well aware of their real historical image in American history
B.should make their real historical image known to themselves and the rest of the world
C.have made the world accept their real historical image in its truthfulness
D.have come to know that their image in American history is very important
A.Black people who have contributed to the American society deserve equal recognition with their white countrymen.
B.We should not associate famous people with the Anglo-Saxon race only.
C.Some black people are well known as scientists and inventors.
D.Black people play as important a role in science as the Anglo-Saxon people do.
A.Some cultures have been completely neglected in American history.
B.We should oppose slander and stereotyping.
C.The American way of life is rich because it is made of many cultures.
D.Many cultures in America have an inferior history.
A.to discuss the importance of the Afro-American contributions in
B.to illustrate that the Afro-American history is important to the American nation
C.to call on the Afro-Americans to change their image in American history
D.to criticize those who have neglected the Afro-American history
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