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1.(origin) The game is thought to have ________among the native peoples of Alaska.
2.(expend) Government _____________on scientific research has risen in the last few years.
3.(retail) Furniture and carpet________are among those reporting the sharpest annual decline in sales.
4.(value) Parents gave the school________support in its case for getting its facilities improved.
5.(utter) He is______dependent on the corporation for both his economic and emotional security.
6.(art) Elizabeth's got it all so nice — you remember how______she always was with colors.
7.(deliver) Mrs. Smith got a _______of fresh vegetables yesterday morning.
8.(safe) The refugees were groping their way through the dark, trying to reach_______.
9.(resent) At first, the project manager was______of anybody's attempts to interfere in his work.
10.(exist) The latest images confirm the_____of water on the planet's surface.

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