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The Early Life of Beethoven
At an early age, Beethoven took an interest in music. His father taught him day and night. Without doubt, the child was gifted. His father expected him to become a new Mozart.
At seven, Beethoven gave his first public performance in Cologne. His father announced that he was six years old. Because of this, Beethoven always thought that he was younger than he actually was.
However, his father's musical and teaching talents were limited. Soon Beethoven began to learn the organ (风琴) and composition from Gottlob Neefe and other famous musicians. Neefe recognized Beethoven's extraordinary talents. While teaching him music, Neefe introduced him to the works of philosophers, ancient and modern.
In 1782, Beethoven published his first work. The following year, Neefe wrote about his student in the Magazine of Music: "If he continues like this, he will be, without doubt, the new Mozart."
In 1784, Beethoven was appointed organist of the court of Prince Franz. This post enabled him to frequent new circles other than those of his father and friends of his family. Here he met people who were to remain friends for the rest of his life.
Prince Franz was also aware of Beethoven's talent. In 1787, he sent Beethoven to Vienna to meet Mozart and to further his musical education. Very soon, however, a letter called Beethoven back to Bonn: his mother was dying. She was the only person in his family with whom he had developed a strong and loving relationship. In 1792, Beethoven went back to Vienna for musical education. He never returned to the town of his birth, Bonn.
1. What do we know about Beethoven's father from the text?
2. Beethoven learned all the following from Neefe EXCEPT________
3. Beethoven's name appeared in the Magazine of Music in________
4. As organist of the court of Prince Franz, Beethoven________
5. The last paragraph shows that Beethoven________.

A.He was a friend of Mozart's.
B.He was a gifted musician.
C.He was unclear about Beethoven's age.
D.He was Beethoven's first music teacher.
A.published more musical works
B.made many lifelong friends
C.was able to go home frequently
D.got to know more friends of his father's
A.was close to his mother
B.went back to Bonn to meet Mozart
C.went to Vienna with Prince Franz in 1787
D.revisited his hometown occasionally after 1792
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