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Summer School
It was the first week of June. Gabi just finished her third year of high school. However, when she received her report card in the mail, she learned that she failed a semester of algebra(代数).1_______________
Gabi was glad she had the chance to make up for the class. She can't move on to the next level in math if she doesn't pass algebra. Summer school isn't easy though. 2_______________Duringthe regular school year, however, she has twenty weeks to do so.
Summer school meant that Gabi would be stuck in a hot classroom while most of her friends were at the beach or local amusement parks. Gabi's friends didn't fail any course. 3_______________Going to summer school also meant that Gabi's family had to change their summer vacation plans.
Gabi had to be in summer school from 9 a.m. to noon.4_______________She had to be on the bus at least an hour before class started or else she would be late. The classrooms were hot since the school building was old and did not have air conditioning. When Gabi came home from school, she couldn't do whatever she wanted. She had homework to do.
This was the first time Gabi had to go to summer school. 5_______________She made a promise to herself. In the fall, when regular classes begin again, she will try her hardest to pass all the courses.

A.She wanted it to be the last time.
B.She couldn't stay up late on weeknights.
C.Gabi planned to go travelling next summer.
D.This meant she had to go to summer school.
E.Gabi has to master the material in six weeks.
F.They could have the whole summer free from schoolwork.
A.She wanted it to be the last time.
B.She couldn't stay up late on weeknights.
C.Gabi planned to go travelling next summer.
D.This meant she had to go to summer school.
E.Gabi has to master the material in six weeks.
F.They could have the whole summer free from schoolwork.
A.She wanted it to be the last time.
B.She couldn't stay up late on weeknights.
C.Gabi planned to go travelling next summer.
D.This meant she had to go to summer school.
E.Gabi has to master the material in six weeks.
F.They could have the whole summer free from schoolwork.
A.She wanted it to be the last time.
B.She couldn't stay up late on weeknights.
C.Gabi planned to go travelling next summer.
D.This meant she had to go to summer school.
E.Gabi has to master the material in six weeks.
F.They could have the whole summer free from schoolwork.
A.She wanted it to be the last time.
B.She couldn't stay up late on weeknights.
C.Gabi planned to go travelling next summer.
D.This meant she had to go to summer school.
E.Gabi has to master the material in six weeks.
F.They could have the whole summer free from schoolwork.
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