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Should I Gain Weight?
①It's almost never a good idea for a kid to try to gain weight, especially by eating lots of unhealthy fast food. It may seem strange that some kids want to gain weight when many people want to be thinner. But kids who are thin sometimes feel like they are n 't the right size.And they might even get laughed at for their size.
②People come in different shapes and sizes. You might have friends the same age who weigh a lot more than you do. It doesn't mean that either of you is the wrong weight. If you're not too tall, there's less of you. That equals fewer pounds when you step on the scale. Or you might be small-framed(骨架).Your body frame might be smaller or thinner.
③You might feel thin compared with friends who've gone through puberty (青春期).During puberty, it's normal for kids to grow a lot and gain weight, too. If one kid hasn't hit puberty and another has, the one who's still waiting for puberty is likely to be smaller and thinner.

④Your parents might be short,small or thin people. Your mom and dad pass along their genes (基因) to you—-including the genes that help determine your height and body frame. If close family members are small or thin, there's a good chance you will be, too.
⑤Being laughed at is one reason why thin kids sometimes want to gain weight. lt's never fun to be treated this way.If this happens to you, be sure to tell a grown-up who can help.You might also say back to someone who laughs at you,“That's just the way l am.Everybody is different.”

Task 1

Task 2
6. It seems unusual that some kids            .
7.Compared with short people, taller people often            .
8. Kids may not start their puberty            .
9.One's body frame will be similar to that or one's            .
10.One way to deal with being laughed at is to look for help           .

A.Weight and health
B.Weight and gene
C.weight and puberty
D.Weight, shape and size
E.How to deal with being laughed at
F.Why some kids want to gain weight
A.Weight and health
B.Weight and gene
C.weight and puberty
D.Weight, shape and size
E.How to deal with being laughed at
F.Why some kids want to gain weight
A.Weight and health
B.Weight and gene
C.weight and puberty
D.Weight, shape and size
E.How to deal with being laughed at
F.Why some kids want to gain weight
A.Weight and health
B.Weight and gene
C.weight and puberty
D.Weight, shape and size
E.How to deal with being laughed at
F.Why some kids want to gain weight
A.Weight and health
B.Weight and gene
C.weight and puberty
D.Weight, shape and size
E.How to deal with being laughed at
F.Why some kids want to gain weight
B.weigh more
C.at the same age
D.from grown-ups
E.close family members
F.want to gain weight
B.weigh more
C.at the same age
D.from grown-ups
E.close family members
F.want to gain weight
B.weigh more
C.at the same age
D.from grown-ups
E.close family members
F.want to gain weight
B.weigh more
C.at the same age
D.from grown-ups
E.close family members
F.want to gain weight
B.weigh more
C.at the same age
D.from grown-ups
E.close family members
F.want to gain weight
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