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Churchill was already planning the future. His aims, as he had said, were not only to defend Britain but also to set Europe free. While the German army waited to cross the Channel, he sent Britain's only armoured division round the south of Africa to the Suez Canal.(1) Its duty was to prepare the way for those armies which one day attacked Hitler's empire from the south. The next year Hitler attacked Russia, and Japan attacked America; this gave Churchill two strong allies to help him finish the struggle.
(2)When the war was over、Britain had to turn her attention to problems inside the Empire.Many of the peoples who had helped to win the war,now demanded their independence. Britain accepted their right to make this demand.(3) She was already planning to turn the Empire into a commonwealth of free and equal members.The word commonwealth explains itself, for its members are united for their common profit.
Religious problems caused India's division into two new independent states,India and Pakistan,in 1947.The next year Ceylon also became independent.(4) Other countries needed an urgent development program me to improve education, commercial production and public service before they were ready to stand on their own feet.With the British tax-payer's help, this programme was carried out. Some of these countries would be stronger now if it had been carried out less hurriedly, but Britain was pressed by world opinion to hand over her responsibilities without delay. (5) One by one, the former colonies became independentmembers of the British Commonwealth, and took their seats among the United Nations.

(From The World at War)

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