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Every man who has acquired some (1)  skill enjoys exercising it until it has become a matter of course, or until he can no longer improve himself.This  (2)to activity begins in early childhood: a boy who can stand on his head becomes (3)to stand on his feet. A great deal of work gives the (4). pleasure that is to bederived from games of skill.The work of a lawyer or a politician must contain(5)  a more delectable form a great deal of the same pleasure that is to bederived from playing bridge.
I have tried often to search behind the(6) of years for the enchantment I so easily found in those gifts. The essence escapes but its aura(7). To be(8), no,invited, into the private lives of strangers, and to share their joys and(9) , was a chance to exchange the Southern bitter(10). for a cup of mead with Beowulf or a hot cup of tea and milk with Oliver Twist.
Thanks to modern machinery, production is outrunning(11). Organized waste among consumers is the first condition of our (12)prosperity. The sooner a consumer throws(13) the object he has bought and buys another, the better for the producer. At the same time, of course,the producer must do his (14)by producing nothing (15) the most perishable articles.

Vanity is a motive of immense(16). Anyone who has much to do with children knows(17)  they are constantly performing some antic and saying“Look at me”".“Look at me”is one of the most(18)desires of the human heart. It can take innumerable forms,from buffoonery to the pursuit of (19)fame. There was a Renaissance Italian princeling who has asked by the(20)on his deathbed if he had anything to repent of.
lt is enough for me to concentrate(21)education. America has always despised its teachers and, as a consequence, it has been (22)the teachers it deserves.The quality of first-grade education that my son .(23), in a NewJersey town noted for the excellence of its(24). schools, could not, I suppose,be faulted on the level of(25)conscientiousness. The teachers worked rigidly from the approved rigidly programed primers.

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