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The next time you find yourself seated in a roomful of strangers, take a close look at your nearest neighbor. Does he or she resemble you in subtle ways? The 1 is most likely yes. “Sometimes we either gravitate (被吸引) toward people 2 away from them not because of a large prejudice 3 just because there’s something a little bit more—or less—familiar about them,” says Wilson. “Most 4 these processes are not really conscious.”
Wilson performed four experiments using university students in a 5 of settings. In 6 case, people tended to sit closer to someone with a trait they shared—for example, the wearing of glasses, hair length or 7 . Wilson says the findings help to explain 8 pairings and groupings of similar-looking individuals seem so common. “People 9 to think that someone who looks a little more like them is more 10 to think like them,” she says. “If you expect someone to be more like you, you might behave toward them in a more open and likable way.”

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