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Passage 1
Your therapist's, name is ELIZA, and she interacts with you through text on a computer screen. However embarrassing or difficult your problem may be, ELIZA will not hesitate to ask you a question about it, or respond graciously, “That is very interesting. Why do you say that?”. Computer-based therapy has come a long way since ELIZA, a 1960s computer program designed to emulate (仿效) a therapist.
Today, with the Internet, people can use the instant message format to communicate with real therapists. Experts say the Internet has enornous potential for psychotherapy, espeially for reaching people who do not have access to in person care. People may be more willing to talk about things that are embarrassing if they're not interacting face to face, with a therapist. However, instant messaging has flaws—therapists miss out on visual cues, gestures and, speech intonations. Experts say that it' s thus probably not going to make inoffice sessions obsolete.
Besides instant messaging, other computer-based therapies require Jless or no interaction with a real therapist, according to experts. Like ELIZA, some are programs that operate without a therapist contolling them. Today, however, instead of just text, they may incorporate sophisticated graphics, video or the ability to create game-style avatars (虚拟活动人像)。The cost of this to the patient would be much less than face-to-face therapy, but it's not clear whether it would be as effective.
1. According to the passage, ELIZA is          .
2. Compared with traditional therapies, what disadvantage does a computer -based pasychotherapy have?
3. In this passage, the underlined word “obsolete” in Paragraph 2 probably means        .
4. It can be implied from the passage that compute-based psychotherpies        .
5. What is the author's atude towards the role of Internet in peychotherapies?

A.a therapist who will not hesitate to help
B.a computer program designed for psychotherapy
C.capable of solving all the. psychological problems people meet with
D.a computer-based psychotherapy which is proved iffctive
A.People' s body language can not be fally observed by a therapist.
B.People feel bored with the monotonous program provided by computer.
C.People feel themselves more or less contolled by computer.
D.people do not have any access to in-person care.
A.avoid facing a real therapist tlking about things embrasing
B.cost less and is more effective than the tradional therapies
C.provide the chance to interact with several real therapists at a time
D.might gradually take the place of the traditional therapies
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