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Evolution of culture—that is, the development of forms through time has taken place. No amount of diffusion of picture writing could of itself, for instance, produce the alphabetic system of writing; as Tylor demonstrated so well, the art of writing has developed through a series of stages, which began with picture writing, progressed to hieroglyphic(象形文字的) writing, and culminated in alphabetic writing. In the realm of social organization there was a development from territorial groups composed of families to segmented societies (clans and larger groupings). Sociocultural evolution, like biologic evolution, exhibits a progressive differentiation of structure and socialization of function. A misunderstanding has arisen with regard to the relationship between evolution and diffusion. It has been argued, for example, that the theory of cultural evolution was unsound because some peoples skipped a stage in a supposedly determined sequence; some African tribes, as a consequence of diffusion, went from the Stone Age to the Iron Age without an intermediate age of copper and bronze.
But the classical evolutionists did not maintain that peoples, or societies, had to pass through a fixed series of stages in the course of development, but that tools, techniques, institutions—in short, culture had to pass through the stages. The sequence of stages of writing did not mean that a society could not acquire the alphabet without working its way through hieroglyphic writing; it was obvious that many peoples did skip directly to the alphabet.
1. Which of the following is probably NOT true when it comes to the art of writing?
2. The phrase “culminated in” in the first paragraph means ______.
3. What can be inferred from the first paragraph?
4. Which of the following is probably NOT agreed by classical evolutionists?
5. According to the theory of cultural evolution, the sequence of stages during which evolution takes place should be ______.

A.One opinion is that the art of writing is bound to progress step by step.
B.The truth is that many nations acquire alphabet without following the fixed series of stages.
C.The alphabetic writing is the highest stage it has arrived so far.
D.Tylor believed that picture writing could jump directly to alphabetic writing in some tribes.
A.reached the highest degree
B.changed into
C.ended in
D.resulted in
A.Progressive evolution with different features is bound to occur in the course of development.
B.Picture writing is the first form in writing history.
C.Clans and larger groupings developed from territorial groups.
D.Sociocultural evolution bears similarity to that of biologic evolution.
A.The sequence of stages of writing is applicable to any case as far as evolution is concerned.
B.The development of societies does not follow a fixed pattern as tools or techniques do.
C.The way society develops is not the same as that of tools, techniques.
D.Culture develops from one stage to the other.
A.Stone Age—Copper and Bronze Age—Iron Age
B.Stone Age—Iron Age—Copper and Bronze Age
C.Iron Age—Stone Age—Copper and Bronze Age
D.Copper and Bronze Age—Stone Age—Iron Age
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