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1. The narrowest part of the English Channel between England and France is called ______.
2. ______were the forerunners of the UK’s Conservative Party, which still bears the nickname today.
3. At the turn of the 20th century, ______, a group of reform-minded journalists in the US, made investigations and exposed various dark sides of the seemingly prosperous society.
4. The policy of containment of Communism led the US into the war in ______ which turned out to be the longest war it fought.
5. In the US, ______ interprets the laws made by Congress.
6. ______ is celebrated on the third Monday in January in the US.
7. The two Houses of Parliament in Australia have equal powers except that the Senate cannot originate
8. In 1999, ______ became the first female prime minister in New Zealand as the result of an election.
9. In New Zealand, ______ is the formal head of state.
10. In 1948, ______ left the British Commonwealth and became the Republic of Ireland. 

A. the Muckrakers
B. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
C. the Straits of Dover
D. “money bills”
E. Columbus Day
F. the executive branch
G. the judicial branch
H. the British monarch
I. The Tories
J. Vietnam
K. Helen Clark
L. the Irish Free State

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