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Who      lasted      on      examples      were      nothing
Together      which      greater      results      with      but
A study in the UK rejects the notion that teenagers’ life satisfaction is somehow linked to their use of social media.
The study found that 99.75% of a person’s life satisfaction has(1) to do with their use of social media. The study(2)eight years and involved thousands of kids(3)were asked about the amount of time they spent on social media each day and how satisfied they were(4) aspects of their life.“Parents shouldn’t worry about time(5) social media," according to the researchers. “We think too much about time,(6) we need to give up this notion of screen time. The(7) are not showing evidence for great concern.
"It was important to identify young people at (8) risk from certain effects of social media, and find out other factors that(9) having an impact on their wellbeing.
They plan to meet social media companies soon to discuss how they can work(10) to learn more about how people use apps- not just the time spent on them. If the industry would release usage data, they could get an even clearer picture of social media’s effect on teens.

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