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SAINT AGATHA has an important place in the history of the Christian church. She is believed to have been a young woman of noble birth who was martyred, after terrible tortures, under the Roman emperor Decius in 251AD. Apart from her native Sicily, she is revered in the Basque country, Germany’s Black Forest and Malta. She is one of seven female martyrs of the early church whose regular mention is prescribed in the traditional form of the Catholic Mass.
Sociologically, and even economically, Agatha still matters. In her home town of Catania, the annual rituals in her honor stretch over several days in early February, and they rank among the biggest festivals in the Catholic world. They are perhaps the main reason why Sicily can attract visitors in winter. But a respected 83-year-old priest has come to the conclusion that the church should sever all ties with this noisy exuberance.
In the view of Father Salvatore Resca, the festivities are incorrigibly tainted by activities that have no spiritual connection: gambling, cruelty to animals and petty and not-so-petty criminality. “There is no more religion in this celebration,” he says. “It stopped being a Christian feast decades ago.” As his words indicate, the perceived corruption of the event is a relatively recent phenomenon. In living memory, the festival had milder associations in local minds: nuns singing ancient hymns and an array of sweet delicacies baked in Agatha’s honor.
It has taken courage for the priest, the second-ranking cleric in one of Catania’s main churches, to speak out. He recalls that, after airing his views in a local newspaper last year, “I received dozens of death threats, even bullets in my mailbox.”
Among the high points of the festivities is the moment when a statue of the saint, and a silver casket containing part of her relics, are brought out of the local cathedral and paraded around the city’s neighborhoods. In years past, especially in the 1990s, the organizers of this event had clear criminal ties, as a long judicial investigation, lasting from 2008 to 2015, confirmed. In more recent times, the church has tried to reassert some control over the proceedings and to boost the influence of more decent citizens. Not with complete success, though: prominently involved in this year’s ritual (until his name was struck off the list today) was a man who was convicted in 2014 of usury.
The clean-up has not really worked, as Father Resca has concluded with a heavy heart. People still take bets on the duration of the statue’s tour of the city. That is one of many shady and lucrative businesses that thrive around the ritual. And the ubiquitous sale on the street of sizzling chunks of horse-meat, now a standard feature of the festival, is another reminder of dark forces not far away.
Last year, the track in Palermo, another Sicilian city where Agatha is revered, suspended all racing and emptied its stables after police found evidence of illegal gambling and rigged contests. And many horses never make it to a proper stable; they are kept in back-street locations, used in “informal” races, and sent for slaughter when they are exhausted or injured.
Dario De Luca, a Catania-based journalist, says February (either side of the saint’s feast day on February 5th) is now the time of year when criminal influence over the city is most palpable.
Good people have tried to change this. A committee “for the legality of the feast of Saint Agatha” was formed recently with the aim of cleaning up the proceedings, but Father Resca declined to join. He believes that the church should make a definitive break. As he puts it, “the problem is that they still think it’s a religious feast... The real turning-point will come when they admit that it’s now just a pagan event.”
Some practicing Catholics in Catania seem to agree with him, and they make a point of staying far away from the festivities. But for townspeople who are simply out to enjoy the fun, this is still an event not to be missed. They march exuberantly behind the statue as it makes its peregrination around the streets, bellowing out a slogan, supposedly of loyalty to Agatha, in Sicilian dialect. “Semu tutti devoti!” (We are all your devotees!)
This is an extreme case of a common phenomenon. All over the world, and throughout history, spiritual authorities have struggled with mixed success to keep control of pilgrimages, saints’ days and other high points in the religious calendar. They do not want to seem like killjoys, and yet they do not want to collude with activities that make a mockery of their doctrines. And sometimes, in Father Resca’s brave view, the appropriate thing would be to give up the struggle.
1. Which of the following is excluded in this year’s celebration of Saint Agatha in Catania?
2. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
3. The main purpose of the passage is to ________.
4. What is Father Salvatore Resca’s suggested course of action on the festival?
5. The word “collude” in the last paragraph probably means ________.

A.People gamble on the duration of the parade.
B.The saint’s statue parades in the city.
C.People buy and sell horse-meat.
D.Nuns sing ancient hymns in Agatha’s honor.
A.Saint Agatha is not revered in the Roman Catholic church.
B.Saint Agatha has been given too much importance in Sicily.
C.Saint Agatha is shamelessly abused in the pagan celebrations.
D.Saint Agatha is little known outside the small town of Catania.
A.encourage Roman Catholic clerics to speak up
B.introduce seven female martyrs and their contributions
C.explore why Sicily can attract visitors in winter
D.show how saintly commemorations get corrupted
A.Taint the activities.
B.Add more religiousness.
C.Have a Christian feast.
D.Withdraw from it.
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