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Read the following passage carefully and then translate the underlined sentences into Chinese. 

Once the monologue begins, the Knowledgeable One drones on and on. The Knowledgeable One is a fact person.(1)She may be the history prof who knows the death toll of every Civil War battle, the biology prof who can diagram all the common biological molecules, the accounting prof who enumerates every clause of the federal tax form. Oblivious to students’ tired eyes and stifled yawns, the Knowledgeable One delivers her monologue, dispensing one dry fact after another.(2)The only advantage to being on the receiving end of this boring monologue is that students do not have to worry about being called on to question a point or provide an opinion; the Knowledgeable One is not willing to give up one minute of her time by giving students a voice. Assume for one moment that student actually manages to stay awake during the monologue and is brave enough to ask a question. In such a case, the Knowledgeable One will address the questioning student as “Mr.” or “Miss.” (3)This formality does not, as some students mistakenly suppose, indicate respect for the student as a fledgling member of the academic community. Not at all. This impersonality represents the Knowledgeable One’s desire to keep as wide a distance as possible between her and her students.
The Knowledgeable One’s monologue always comes to a close at the precise second the class is scheduled to end.(4)No sooner has she delivered her last forgettable word than the Knowledgeable One packs up her notes and shoots out the door, heading back to the privacy of her office, where she can pursue her specialized academic interest—free of any possible interruption from students. The Knowledgeable One’s hasty departure from the lecture hall makes it clear she has no desire to talk with students. (5)In her eyes, she has met her obligations, she has taken time away from her research to transmit to students what she know. Any closer contact might mean she would risk contagion from students, that great unwashed mass. Such a danger is to be avoided at all costs.

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