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在学问上打下坚实的基础将使你终生受益。在学习的初级阶段,学校所有科目中最重要的是语言和数学。语言是阅读和交流的工具,中文不好,你就不能很好地表达自己;没有很好的掌握一门外语,你就会发现很难吸收外国的新知识。数学能训练人的逻辑思维。 其他学科也各有用处,很难说哪一门更重要。比如,体育和音乐教育对于促进人的智力发展同样是重要的。

The first beginnings of the theory may be prompted by casual observation and experience. In these first probes toward theory, description of facts makes up most share of the effort. Increasing sophistication and rigor leads to a growing concern with testing tentative theories using carefully selected data and a variety of statistical techniques. In these later developments, the subject matter of a discipline becomes increasingly theoretical and deductive, rather than empirical and descriptive.  

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