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In the late nineteenth century, ecology began to grow into an independent science from its roots in natural history and plant geography. The emphasis of this new "community ecology" was on the composition and structure of communities consisting of different species. In the early twentieth century, the American ecologist Frederic Clements pointed out that a succession of plant communities would develop after a disturbance such as a volcanic eruption, heavy flood, or forest fire. An abandoned field, for instance, will be invaded successively by herbaceous plants(plants with little or no woody tissue), shrubs, and trees, eventually becoming a forest. Light-loving species are always among the first invaders, while shade-tolerant species appear later in the succession.
Clements and other early ecologists saw almost lawlike regularity in the order of succession, but that has not been substantiated. A general trend can be recognized, but the details are usually unpredictable. Succession is influenced by many factors: the nature of the soil, exposure to sun and wind, regularity of precipitation, chance colonizations, and many other random processes.
The final stage of a succession, called the climax by Clements and early ecologists, is likewise not predictable or of uniform composition. There is usually a good deal of turnover in species composition, even in a mature community. The nature of the climax is influenced by the same factors that influenced succession. Nevertheless, mature natural environments are usually in equilibrium. They change relatively little through time unless the environment itself changes.
For Clements, the climax was a "superorganism," an organic entity. Even some authors who accepted the climax concept rejected Clements1 characterization of it as a superorganism, and it is indeed a misleading metaphor. An ant colony may be legitimately called a superorganism because its communication system is so highly organized that the colony always works as a whole and appropriately according to the circumstances. But there is no evidence for such an interacting communicative network in a climax plant formation. Many authors prefer the term "association" to the term "community" in order to stress the looseness of the interaction.
Even less fortunate was the extension of this type of thinking to include animals as well as plants. This resulted in the "biome," a combination of coexisting flora and fauna. Though it is true that many animals are strictly associated with certain plants, it is misleading to speak of a "spruce-moose biome," for example, because there is no internal cohesion to their association as in an organism. The spruce community is not substantially affected by either the presence or absence of moose. Indeed, there are vast areas of spruce forest without moose. The opposition to the Clementsian concept of plant ecology was initiated by Herbert Gleason, soon joined by various other ecologists. Their major point was that the distribution of a given species was controlled by the habitat requirements of that species and that therefore the vegetation types were a simple consequence of the ecologies of individual plant species.
1. Ecology had been rooted in( )before it grew into an independent science.
2. According to Frederic Clements,( )after a volcanic eruption, heavy flood, or forest fire.
3. Succession is influenced by the following factors except( ).
4. Which of the following is NOT true about “climax”, according to the passage?
5. The concept of "biome" would emphasize that( ).

A.community ecology
B.the science of species
C.the study of community structure
D.natural history and plant geography
A.only light-loving species can grow
B.plant communities can develop
C.forests can hardly survive
D.few plants can grow
A.regular rainfalls
B.chance colonizations
C.exposure to sun
D.nature of the soil
A.Its nature is influenced by the same factors that influenced succession.
B.It changes relatively little through time at maturity.
C.It is a highly interacting communicative network.
D.It is the final stage of a succession.
A.animals and plants do not substantially affect each other
B.plant communities always rely on coexisting animals to survive
C.there is internal cohesion in the association of animals with plants
D.the distribution of a given species is controlled by the habitat requirements
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