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In the course of my reading I had come across a case where, many years ago, some hunters on our Great Plains organized a buffalo hunt for the entertainment of an English earl and provide some fresh meat for his use. They had charming sport. They killed seventy-two of those great animals; and ate part of one of them and left the seventy-one to rot. In order to determine the difference between an anaconda and an earl, I had seven lambs turned into the anaconda’s cage. The grateful snake immediately crushed one of them and swallowed it, then lay back satisfied. It showed no further interest in the lamb, and no inclination to harm them. I tried this experiment with other anacondas is that the earl is cruel and the anaconda isn’t; and the earl wantonly destroyed what he has no use for, but the anaconda doesn’t. This seemed to suggest that the anaconda was not descended from the earl. It also seemed to suggest that the earl was descended from the anaconda and had lost a good deal in the transition.
I was aware that many men who have accumulated more money than they can ever use have shown a hunger for more, and have not hesitated to cheat the ignorant and the helpless out of their poor savings in order to partially satisfy the appetite. I furnished a hundred different kinds of wild and domestic animals the opportunity to accumulate vast stores of food but none of them would do it. The squirrels and bees and certain birds made accumulations, but stopped when they gathered a winter’s supply, and could not be persuaded to add to it either honestly or be trickery. These experiments convinced me that there is this difference between man and the higher animals; he is greedy, they are not.
In the course of my experiments, I convinced myself that among the animals man is the only one that harbors insults and injuries, broods over them, waits till a chance offers, then takes revenge. The passion of revenge is unknown to the higher animals.

1. By describing the buffalo hunting and his experiment with the anaconda, the author mainly wants
to tell his readers that( ).
2. According to the author, in human society, the rich( ).
3. The author's experiments with different kinds of animals seem to prove that( ).
4. We learn from the last paragraph that( ).
5. In this passage, the author writes in a (n)( ).

A.the anaconda is easily satisfied
B.the earl is capable of committing wanton cruelty
C.the earl’s ancestor turned out to be the anaconda
D.the anaconda does not harm other animals except when it is hungry
A.tend to accumulate vast stores of food
B.are inclined to gather more riches
C.are ready to help the poor
D.is mostly cheaters
A.man is the highest animal
B.man is superior to animals
C.man is the lowest animal
D.man is inferior to animals in certain respect
A.love of revenge is a unique characteristic of man
B.man is the only animal capable of thinking
C.human beings are capable of insulting and injuring each other
D.man is better in taking chances than animals
A.serious tone
B.angry tone
C.ironic tone
D.matter-of-fact tone
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