Translate the following part into English.
经过改革开放30多年的努力,中国经济实力不断增强,国民生产总值大幅提升。 中国人口多、底子薄,面临城乡区域发展不平衡、科技创新能力不强等问题。中国要实 现现代化建设的目标还需要长期艰苦奋斗。中国面临的问题只有通过发展才能解决。我 们将坚持把发展作为第一要务,努力推动经济社会又好又快发展。
Over the past 30 years since reform and opening-up, China’s economy has enjoyed continuous growth and its GDP has risen to a much higher level. China, a country with a big population and weak economic foundation, is confronted with some challenges, including development disparities between the urban and rural areas and among different regions, inadequate innovation capabilities and so on. To achieve modernization, we must make persistent and strenuous effort. And we can only overcome our difficulties through development. We will continue to take development as our top priority and make every effort to achieve sound and rapid economic and social development.