
英语三级 责任编辑:谷兰 2019-08-20



We've already pushed the world oceans close to-and in some cases,past-their natural limits,according to a recently released report on the state of our oceans by the World Watch Institute.

The increasing number of citizen groups,business and governments taking an active interest in slowing down the destruction and pollution of the ocean is encouraging,says senior researcher and author Anne platt Mcginn,citing a host of efforts already under way:1.Unilever,which controls 20 percent of the whitefish market in Europe and US,has agreed to buy only fish caught and produced in an environmentally sustainable manner.2.Volunteers in the philippines,Thailand,India,and Ecuador are replanting mangrove areas to repair earlier damage from shrimp farming.3.In northern Sulawesia,citizens have cleared coral reefs of harmful invasive species.4.The United States and Canada have each banned oil drilling on large portions of their continental shelves.

0n the downside,Safeguarding the Health of oceans says that seven out of ten commercial fish species are fully or overexploited and even worse,many of their spawning grounds have been cleared to make room for shrimp ponds,golf courses and beach resorts.Habitat degradation,resulting from development,agricultural run off,sewage pollution and destructive fishing practices has led to a tripling in the number of poisonous algal species identified by scientists,increasing fish kills,beach closures,and economic losses.

The impact on the economy is significant.people obtain an average of 16 percent of their animal protein from fish,and people in developing countries are extremely dependent on reef fisheries for both food and income.Tourism accounts for a large piece of coastlines and medicines are being found in reef ecosystems every day.Even toothpaste and ice cream depend on the gel-forming properties of brown algae.

The problems facing the oceans are legion:the marine conversation community is fragmented,bans on destructive activities are routinely ignored,too many regulatory organizations have a development-first mindset and enforcement and oversight are ineffective,if not altogether lacking.oceans need to be protected locally,nationally,and internationally,according to McGinn.Right now,the United Nations General Assembly spends just one day a year covering issues that affect more than half of the planet.The report suggests that a tax of one tenth of one percent on industrial and recreational ocean activities would generate$500 million a year,more than five times and the annual budgets the International Maritime organization and the Fisheries Department of the UN Food and Agriculture organization.

However,the most productive areas of the ocean are under national jurisdiction and 80 percent of oceanic pollution originates on land.This means that addressing global marine issues requires strong national and local policies.problems remain far from resolved.

1、We can infer form the passage that.

A.problems at the international level continue to be difficult to resolve.

B.all countries are going to impose taxes on fishers and tourists.

C.the UN General Assembly has made strong policies with regard to oceanic protection.

D.the problems facing the oceans have already aroused sufficient attention.



2、The word sustainable in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _____.






参考解析:第二段有这样一段话:——buy only fish caught and produced in an environmentally sustainable manner.即只购买那些环境上sustainable的地区捕获和生产的鱼类。据此可以推断,此处的sustainable指可持续发展的。与之相近的词是maintainable

3、What will happen if an organization takes a development-first attitude in environmental context?

A.It will take strong measures to prevent oceans from being further polluted.

B.It is going to exploit the oceanic resources first regardless of environmental protection.

C.It will not ignore bans on destructive activities.

D.It will not place development above other factors.



4、Which of the following statements is not the result of destructive fishing practices?

A.Seventy-percent commercial fish species are over exploited.

B.Many of fishes'spawning grounds have been destroyed.

C.Economic losses are on the increase.

D.Each country has already taken measures to destructive activities.



5、What's the probable relationship between mangrove growing and shrimp farming in the philippines?

A.The growth of mangroves kept shrimps from reproducing.

B.Large areas of mangroves were damaged because of shrimp farming.

C.Mangroves helped shrimps grow fast.

D.Shrimp farming gave rise to rapid growth of mangroves.




Labor force is defined as being the total number of people who are available to work and earn income.This definition includes everyone who is employed or seeking paid employment,so it includes employees and the self-employed.Labor is one of the country's resources which can be combined with other resources to produce the goods and services required by the community..

Though the size of the workforce relies greatly on the size of the total population,there are several other aspects which also affect it.The age distribution of the total population has a very marked effect on the available workforce.If the population has a high proportion of very young people or of those too old to work,then the available workforce would be lower than if there were an evenly spread age distribution.If the population grows rapidly from natural increase,i.e.the number of births greatly exceeds the number of deaths,then as a total population increases,the proportion in the workforce declines.

Sometimes a population is described as aging,which means that the birth rate is either falling or growing very slowly,and as people retire from the workforce,there are inadequate numbers of young people entering it to take place of those who are leaving it.The population is top-heavy with older people.So the percentage of the population in the workforce declines when there is either a rapid increase in births or a falling birth rate.'

The age distribution of the population has several important influences on the economy.If the population is aging and there is an increase in the number of people retiring without a corresponding increase in the number entering the workforce,this raises the problem of the ability of the economy to provide a reasonable level of social services to the retired group.If the aged are to be cared for in special homes or hotels,finance must be available for that purpose.If the size of the workforce is small relative to the total population,then the government tax receipts are relatively low and either the govemment has less money available to it or the workforce members have to be taxed more heavily.

1、The population which is top-heavy with older people poses a problem to _____.

A.the government

B.the economy

C.the workforce

D.all of the above


参考解析:由末段可知old people过分增加,会给三方面造成影响:the govemment,the economy以及the workforce.

2、Labor force is composed of _____.

A.people who are available to work and earn income

B.self-employed people only

C.only those who are looking for an employment

D.only the employees


参考解析:由文中首句对labor force的定义可知选A.

3、The conclusion which can be drawn safely from the second paragraph is that _____.

A.a population growth from natural increase leads to a greater proportion of the work-force

B.a large population does not necessarily mean a higher proportion of workforce

C.the larger the number of the aged in a population,the higher the proportion of the workforce

D.if the population has an evenly spreaded age distribution,the workforce will be lower


参考解析:第二段主要论述age disrribution对于劳动力规模的影响。

4、The factor which does NOT influence the size of the worldorce is _____.

A.the size of population

B.age distribution of the population

C.national economy

D.natural increase


参考解析:由第二、三段可知影响劳动力规模的因素有the size of population,age distribution of the population以及natural increase.

5、When a population is said to be aging,_____.

A.more people are retiring than people entering the workforce

B.the birth rate is growing'

C.there is an oversupply of workforce

D.young people outnumber old people




Most of you would probably say that what makes you truly happy is your family and the love you share in your relationships,and I couldn't agree more.But money comes into play in those relationships.

When I talk about money this way to a group,there is always someone who comes up to me and says,"Suze,you are so wrong.Money isn't the key to life—this is!"At which point their wallet flies open and they show me a photo of their family.

That's when things get interesting,because I start asking them questions:Did you take that photo with your own camera?It looks like a beautiful beach,was the photo taken on a family vacation?Do you hope to help those beautiful boys and girls go to college?

As their answers are"yes",I ask them how they provide all of that for their family.That's when they understand that I had it right.

I totally agree that family and friends are of great importance to our well being;without meaningful relationships,there's no chance of ever being truly happy.That's why,every Saturday night,I end my CNBC show with the following words:"People first.Then money.Then things."

How we deal with the money we have also plays into our happiness.Over the past few decades(十年),the percentage of Americans who say they're happy hasn't changed much,while at the same time the average income has doubled.So we have more money,but we're not much happier on average.

A paradox(悖论)?Far from it.My sense is that while we're making more money,we arent't making more of the money we make.We have to pay for a lot of things,and we have to worry about saving for retirement(退休)in a way that our parents and grandparents never did.And as many of you know,it's really hard to increase your happiness when you've got a lot of money worries.

Do you agree,or am I way off base?I'd love to know what do you think about the money/happiness connection.

1.Why do people often show the author their family photos?

A.They hope to show money is very important.

B.They want to prove they can afford a holiday.

C.They think a good family makes them truly happy.

D.They believe a happy person considers people first.



2.Why did the authur ask the group questions in Paragraph 3?

A.To persuade them to save for the future.'

B.To ask for advice on holidays abroad.

C.To know more about each person.

D.To show them what he meant.



3.Which of the following arguments does the author want to make?

A.Money is all that matters in our life.

B.The richer we are,the happier we'll be.

C.Money makes a difference to the quality of our lives.

D.True happiness is achievable from good relationships.



4.What does the underlined words"off base"in the last paragraph most probably mean?






参考解析:题干的意思为“最后一段下划线词'off base'最可能是什么意思?”该题属于推理题。从文章的句意理解来看,应该是错误的意思。


To get a sense of bow women have progressed in science,take a quick tour of the physics department at the University of California,Berkeley.This is a storied place,the 1 of some of the most important discoveries in modern science-starting with Ernest Lawrence s invention of the cyclotron in 1931.A generation ago,female faces were 2 and,even

today,visitors walking through the first floor of LeConte Hall will see a full corridor of exhibits 3 the many distinguished physicists who made history here,4 all of them white males.5 display.There,among the photos

But climb up to the third floor and you'11 see a are portraits of the 6 head of the department,of current faculty members and students,whose research 7 everything from the mechanics Marjorie Shapiro,and four other women of the universe to the smallest particles of matter.A sixth woman was hired just two weeks ago.Although they're still only about 10 percent of the physics faculty,women are clearly a presence here.And the real 8 may be in the smaller photos to the right:graduate and undergraduate students,about 9——0 percent of them female.Every year Berkeley sends its fresh female physics PhDs to the country's top universities.That makes Shapiro optimistic,but also 9."I believe things are getting better,"she says,"but they're not getting better as to 10--as I would like."

















1.N.参考解析空格前面是定冠词the,后面是介词of,故本空应填人名词,根据空格前的a storied place和句意可知,此处所填词应该是place的同义词,故从选项的一系列名词中选定N项site(场所;地点)。

2.L.参考解析所填词位于句子的表语位置,因此此空应填入形容词或者名词作表语。根据句意“在上一代的时候,女性的面孔还是______.”可知,L项rare(罕见的)最合适。根据and后面分句中的and of them white males可进一步确定,女性面孔在上一代人中间比较罕见。

3.I.参考解析分析句子结构可知,______the many distinguished physicists who...应该是对exhibits的修饰,说明是什么样的展览,所以空格处应填入分词作后置定语,G项exposing和I项honoring合适。展览的目的应该是纪念著名的物理学家,所以选I项honoring(向…表示敬意)。

4.O.参考解析空格前的句子结构完整,空格后是all of them white males,由此可以推断空格处应填人副词,结合上下文可知,这里说的是女性物理学家人数少,男性人数多,再结合备选项可知virtually(几乎,差不多)符合句意。


6.D.参考解析根据空前的me以及空后的head可知,空格处缺少形容词,因此D项current,H项fast和M项realistic符合。除D项current外,其他两项显然不能修饰head of the department(系主任),而且current与本句前面出现的current是原词复现,说明在职教职员工和学生的照片中有现任系主任梅杰里·夏皮罗的肖像。

7.C.参考解析空格前是whose research,空格后是everything from...to...,空格处应填入及物动词,作whose引导的定语从句的谓语。结合备选动词可知covers(包含)符合句意。



10.H.参考解析空格前是not getting better as,空格后是as l wouldlike,可知此空格处应填入副词。上文提到,她的态度既乐观又现实,所以她认为情况正在改善,但改善的速度不会像她希望的那么______.结合备选副词可知H项fast(快速地)最合适。



According to some surveys done by the Ministry of Education,there are about 153 million illiterates and semi-illiterates in China.Its illiteracy rate in the western region is much higher than the country's average level and it is as high as 40 percent.The rate for the country's whole population stands at 14 percent.Write an essay of about 120 words,stating your opinion about this issue now confronting China.


The task of educating a huge population can be challenging to any country.Though China has shown great concern and done much in education,and in eliminating illiteracy,it still has 153 million illiterate and semi-illiterate citizens,according to some statistics issued by the Ministry of Education.So,in my opinion,raising China's education level,to a large extent,depends on greater educational achievement in its vast western region and some other backward areas.

In the past decade,China has moved to combat illiteracy and promote nine years of compulsory schooling,especially in poor areas and areas inhabited by minorities,and has achieved a great success,but it seems a difficult task in regions where educational opportunities are limited.However,we should set a target that,by 2010,nine-year compulsory schooling should be realized and the illiteracy rate among young and middle-aged adults should be reduced to the minimum.Only in this way can China raise its national educational level.







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