
考博英语 责任编辑:王觅 2019-03-09



1. Long treatment of the elderly drains funds from the health needs of other groups and from urgent social problems.

A. restrains B. detains C. soars D. exhausts

2. For cancer cells destroy not only all rival cells, in their ruthless biological warfare, but also destroy the larger organization—the body itself—signing their own suicide warrant.

A. refined B. random C. merciless D. perpetual

3. The report also examined the overall effectiveness of the 43-day bombing campaign carried out by coalition forces and Congress released a brief synopsis to the public.

A. compendium B. bibliography C. addendum D. postscript

4. All that may come to my knowledge in the exercise of my profession or in daily commerce with men, which ought not to be spread abroad, I will keep secret and will never reveal.

A. business B. exchange C. wedlock D. contact

5. With the awfully limited vocabulary to only a thousand words or fewer, the reader resembles a color blind artist who is only aware of a few colors and consequently his ability to create on canvas is lamentably restricted.

A. auspiciously B. deplorably C. suspiciously D. disbelievingly

6. The epic is possible because America is an idea as much as it is a country. America has nothing to do with allegiance to a dynasty and very little to do with allegiance to a particular place, but everything to do with allegiance to a set of principles.

A. conviction B. loyalty C. conversion D. component

7. After a few short but interminable seconds,U. S. Astronaut Nell Armstrong placed his foot firmly on the fine-grained surface of the moon. The time was 10:56 pm, July 20,1969.

A. inseparable B. fast C. indelible D. long

8. Hopelessly entrapped in the two-year tangle of his own deceit, forced into a confession of past lies, he watched the support of his most loyal defenders collapse in a political maelstrom,driven by their bitterness over the realization that he had betrayed their trust.

A. probe B. confusion C. finding D. potential

9. Although this could be seen as a strength because it allows flexibility, it can also be argued that it invalidates the theory ; in this case several people ’ s rights must be relinquished to reach a conclusion.

A. given up B. put off C. thought of D. held on

10. War is the social cancer of mankind. It is a pernicious form of ignorance, for it destroys not only its “enemies” , but also the whole superstructure of what it is a part—and thus eventually it defeats itself.

A. baneful B. optimal C. paradoxical D. perilous














