
英语四六级 责任编辑:谷兰 2019-12-16




需要着重强调的一点是:审题。乍一看下,三篇作文题分别要求推荐一个“place”, “university” 或“city”,很容易让部分考生误以为是要求写一篇参观游览,或者介绍型文章,但读完整个题干你就会发现,这封推荐信的真实目的是:外国友人要学习中文(或来华教英语,就学),在此基础上为这位外国友人进行推荐。从这里可以得出,推荐信的重点应该放在你所推荐的某处,可以从哪些方面帮助到这位外国友人实现他的目的,而非仅仅着眼于介绍该处。明确这一点后,本次的写作的题目把握应该就到位了。








关键词“建议”可以选用“recommendation”, “suggestion”,“advice”,注意灵活选用词性。

然后需要留意,如果推荐的是University,既可以是实际真实的University,也可以虚设一个。但如果是真实的University,必须要确保学校名称拼写正确,避免弄巧成拙。如:北京大学=Peking University而不是 Beijing University。稳妥起见,用XXX University这样不过不失的方法未尝不是一个明智选择;推荐其它地点,城市时同样需要注意拼写正确。

此外,同学们在写作时还可以在词汇多样性方面加强重视。我们本次直播的范文中,推荐“母校”时,即使只是为了表达这个学校,就分别使用了学校名字(Shanghai Institute of Languages)、my university,拟人的“she”以及学校名字的首字母缩略(SIL)这样四种形式,如此一来就避免了重复单调。前两者一般同学也许还能够想到,但后两者无疑就能让考生在众多竞争者中脱颖而出。


中段陈列原因时,仍旧可以使用我们一直以来强调的提示词与连接词如:first of all, then, therefore等,灵活且正确的使用从句、强调句或倒装句等丰富的句式,可以为你的文章增添亮点。




For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to a foreign friend who wants to study in China. Please recommend a university to him. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


Dear Jim,

I am writing this letter for the purpose of recommending a university to you since I have heard that you plan to study in China. From my perspective, the most suitable one for you is Peking University, one of China’s top institutions of higher education.

The reasons why I recommend this university can be listed as follows. First and foremost, it has high reputation inacademic research, so you can fully devote yourself to study and make great progress there. Moreover, abundant extracurricular activities and theharmonious atmosphere in campus would allow you to make many friends and enjoy the life. Besides, Peking university is located in Beijing, the capital as well as the cultural center of China. Thus, you can visit many great scenic spotsand explore the city in your spare time. 

If there is any chance, you could come to Beijing and have a campus tour in person, which may help you make the final decision. I am looking forward to your arrival and please feel free to contactme for further information.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming



For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to a foreign friend who wants to teach English in China. Please recommend a city to him. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


Dear David,

I’m glad to know that you will come to China to teach English. So I’m writing this letter to recommend a city to you.

Compared with other cities, Beijing, as the capital city of China, owns many advantages. On the one hand, as the cultural and economic center of China, Beijing is home tomany famous universities. Therefore, there are greater demands for learning English in this city. A host of qualified English teachers like you will find it easy to find a job here. On the other hand, Beijing is an international metropolis where you can enjoy a decent salary and a wonderful life by teaching. I deem that if you teach in Beijing, the future of your life and career development will be promising.

I hope my recommendation can provide some references for you and wish you a delightful journey in China. Looking forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming



For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write aletter to a foreign friend who wants to learn Chinese. Please recommend a placeto him. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


Dear Tom,

On hearing that you are searching for a place to learn Chinese, I am writing this letter to recommend the college town in my city to you.

There are several reasons why I think the college town is the best choice. First of all, the college town is home to an umber of top Chinese universities, where you can gain access to high-quality Chinese language courses. Taught by professors who speak standard Mandarin, these courses are extremely effective in boosting your listening, reading and writing skills. Besides, with many open-minded and friendly students around, you can easily make friends and practice your spoken Chinese. Another advantageis that there are many language clubs, in which you can meet people from other countries who are just as enthusiastic about learning Chinese as you. I think you can also communicate with them about the difficulties and fun in learning Chinese.

To conclude, I deem that the city college town is an ideal place for foreigners to learn Chinese. And I believe that if you take full advantage of it, your Chinese will  be improved a lot.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming




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