
考研 责任编辑:胡陆 2019-11-04


Part B


For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable paragraphs from the list A-G and fill them into the numbered boxes to form a coherent text. Paragraph E has been correctly placed. There is one paragraph which dose not fit in with the text. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET1. (10 points)

[A] The first and more important is the consumer’s growing preference for eating out; the consumption of food and drink in places other than homes has risen from about 32 percent of total consumption in 1995 to 35 percent in 2000 and is expected to approach 38 percent by 2005. This development is boosting wholesale demand from the food service segment by 4 to 5 percent a year across Europe, compared with growth in retail demand of 1 to 2 percent. Meanwhile, as the recession is looming large, people are getting anxious. They tend to keep a tighter hold on their purse and consider eating at home a realistic alternative.

[B] Retail sales of food and drink in Europe’s largest markets are at a standstill, leaving European grocery retailers hungry for opportunities to grow. Most leading retailers have already tried e-commerce, with limited success, and expansion abroad. But almost all have ignored the big, profitable opportunity in their own backyard: the wholesale food and drink trade, which appears to be just the kind of market retailers need.

[C] Will such variations bring about a change in the overall structure of the food and drink market? Definitely not. The functioning of the market is based on flexible trends dominated by potential buyers. In other words, it is up to the buyer, rather than the seller, to decide what to buy .At any rate, this change will ultimately be acclaimed by an ever-growing number of both domestic and international consumers, regardless of how long the current consumer pattern will take hold.

[D] All in all, this clearly seems to be a market in which big retailers could profitably apply their scale, existing infrastructure and proven skills in the management of product ranges, logistics, and marketing intelligence. Retailers that master the intricacies of wholesaling in Europe may well expect to rake in substantial profits thereby. At least, that is how it looks as a whole. Closer inspection reveals important differences among the biggest national markets, especially in their customer segments and wholesale structures, as well as the competitive dynamics of individual food and drink categories. Big retailers must understand these differences before they can identify the segments of European wholesaling in which their particular abilities might unseat smaller but entrenched competitors. New skills and unfamiliar business models are needed too.

[E] Despite variations in detail, wholesale markets in the countries that have been closely examined-France, Germany, Italy, and Spain-are made out of the same building blocks. Demand comes mainly from two sources: independent mom-and-pop grocery stores which, unlike large retail chains, are two small to buy straight from producers, and food service operators that cater to consumers when they don’t eat at home. Such food service operators range from snack machines to large institutional catering ventures, but most of these businesses are known in the trade as “horeca”: hotels, restaurants, and cafes. Overall, Europe’s wholesale market for food and drink is growing at the same sluggish pace as the retail market, but the figures, when added together, mask two opposing trends.

[F] For example, wholesale food and drink sales come to $268 billion in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom in 2000-more than 40 percent of retail sales. Moreover, average overall margins are higher in wholesale than in retail; wholesale demand from the food service sector is growing quickly as more Europeans eat out more often; and changes in the competitive dynamics of this fragmented industry are at last making it feasible for wholesalers to consolidate.

[G] However, none of these requirements should deter large retailers (and even some large good producers and existing wholesalers) from trying their hand, for those that master the intricacies of wholesaling in Europe stand to reap considerable gains.

Part B


41. 【答案】 B


【解析】本题要求找出文章的首段,可用排除法做。首先 A 选项中提到“the first and more important…”中的“more”应该在前文中提到,故排除。B 选项首句就提出了欧洲食品零售所面临的问题,根据文章结构法:提出问题—分析问题—解决问题,此段符合首段要求,即提出了文章的中心问题,而且本选项中也没有明显的需要和上文衔接的关系词,而其它选项都有明显的与上文衔接的信息词,不能在首段出现,故 B 为正确答案。

42. 【答案】 F


【解析 】首段一旦确定,本段内容便可根据上文顺藤摸瓜,第一段最后一句话“but”后指出了虽然食品零售商面临着“at a standstill (几乎停止发展)”的问题,他们却忽略了一个潜在的市场即他们身边的“wholesale food and trade(食品批发市场)”。而 F 选项首句便举例说明法国、德国、意大利等的食品批发产业的市场规模比食品零售产业要大 40%。而且在“moreover”后又进一步说明批发的利润比零售大很多。因此可以判断此选项是对第一段的例证说明。其中“for example”是明显的信息提示词。

43. 【答案】 D


【解析】 】上段介绍了食品批发商的优势,而 D 选项第一句“All in all, this clearly seems to be a market in which…”则对上文的内容进行总结,其中 all in all 是较明显的信息提示词,“this”指代上文提到的具有优势的食品批发业。因此 D 项为正确答案。

44. 【答案】 G


【解析】 】上段最后一句提出的“particular abilities”以及“new skills and unfamiliar business models are needed.(零售商需要新的技能及不熟悉的商业模式)”表明这句是对大型零售商提出的要求。而 G 选项第一句提到的“these requirements(这些要求)”正能与上段段尾呼应,构成合理的衔接。requirements 与 needed 属于同义替换。另

外 G 项后半句话“those…reap considerable gains”与 D 项第二句 “Retailers…rake in substantial profits thereby”是同义转述,这也显示了两段前后的衔接关系。

45. 【答案】 A


【解析 】从此题前文的已知段落 E 选项中的最后一句“two opposing trends”我们可以推测接下来的段落可能会对这两种趋势进行说明。这两种趋势在剩余的 A 选项中得到了体现,即一方面由于人们选择在外就餐而扩大了食品批发的需求,而另一方面人们又开始到“anxious(焦虑)”。而 C 选项第一句提到的“such variations”在上文中并没有得到体现,因此可以断定 A 为正确答案。


[B] 在欧洲的最大市场上,饮食零售业现处于停滞状态,让欧洲食品零售商渴望获得成长的机会。大多数领先的零售商已经尝试过电子商务,但效果甚微,它们也尝试过海外拓展。但是,几乎所有的零售商都忽略了在自家后院的巨大获利机会:食品和饮料的批发行业,这一行业的市场正是零售商所需要的。

[F] 例如,在 2000 年,法国、德国、意大利、西班牙和英国的食品和饮料的批发销售创收 2680亿美元——比零售业额高出 40%还要多。此外,批发的平均利润比零售的要高; 随着越来越多的欧洲人更经常的在外面吃饭,食品服务业的批发需求迅速增长;这一零散型产业竞争性动态变化最终使批发商之间的联合具有了可行性。

[D] 总之,显然在这一市场中大的零售商可以利用其庞大规模、现有基础设施,以及在产品范围、物流、营销情报方面出色的管理技能,从而获利。对欧洲批发业的经络稔熟于心的零售商,可能会因此指望大捞一笔。至少目前整体的趋势是这样的。仔细观察发现,最大的国内市场之间存在重要的差异,尤其是在他们的客户群体、批发结构以及饮食的竞争动态方面。大型零售商必须了解这些差异,之后才能够识别欧洲的批发部门,他们独特的能力可能打败规模较小,但根深蒂固的竞争者。他们也需要新的技能和不熟悉的商业模式。

[G] 然而,所有这些要求毫不能阻止大型零售商(甚至一些大型食品生产商和现有的批发商)一试身手,因为那些精通欧洲盘根错节的批发业的零售商正准备获得可观收益。

[E] 经过详细研究的一些(法国、德国、意大利、西班牙)的批发市场其最终构件是一样的,尽管在细节上存在一些差别。需求主要来自两方面:一是独立经营的夫妻杂货店,不同于大型零售连锁店,这种夫妻店规模太小而无法从生产商那里直购;二是向不在家吃饭的顾客提供饮食服务的经营者。这种饮食服务经营者的范围从快餐食品的自动售货机至大型机关餐饮企业不一而足,但这些业务很大一部分在行业中被称为 horeca,即宾馆、饭店、咖啡店的总称。总体而言,欧洲的餐饮批发市场正以同零售市场一样慢的速度增长,但是综合起来的数字掩盖了两种相反的趋势。

[A] 第一种也是较重要的一种趋势是,消费者越来越倾向于外出就餐:在外面而非在家的饮食消费总额的比例从 1995 年的 32%增长到 2000 年的 35%,预计 2005 年会接近 38%。在欧洲,这种发展将食品服务业的批发需求每年提高 4%至 5%,相比而言,零售需求的增长是 1%至 2%。同时,被经济衰退的阴影笼罩着,人们越来越焦虑不安。他们往往更加看紧他们的钱包,并且认为在家就餐是一种现实的转变。








