
考博英语 责任编辑:王觅 2018-12-14



Part II Vocabulary (10%)

Section A

Directions: In this section, all the sentences are incomplete. Four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D are given beneath each of them. You are to choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence ,then mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.

31. There are many doctors who have endeavored to increase the of their behavior as medical professionals.

A. transaction B.transformation C. transmission D. transparency

32. He seemed most to my idea which was exceptionally creative.

A. alien B.ambulant C. amiable D. amenable

33. The first attempts at gene therapy have mostly ,but technique will surely be made to work eventually.

A. stumbled B. stammered C. stridden D. strutted

34. She is admitted to the hospital with complaints of upper abdominal pain and for fatty foods.

A. preference B.persistence C. intolerance D. appetence

35. By sheer , I met the old classmate we had been discussing yesterday.

A. coincidence B.coherence C. collaboration D. collocation

36. As the drugs began to , the pain began to take hold again.

A. wear off B. put off C. all off D. show off

37. The environment surrounding health care has been greatly altered by the medical technologies.

A. approaching B.impracticable C. sophisticated D. transient

38. At last, she some reasons for her strange behavior.

A. abolished B. admonished C. abstained D. adduced

39. Doctors are concerned with health of people from to the grave.

A. conception B. reception C. deception D. perception

40. In more examinations, the blood is tested in a multichannel analyzer machine for abnormities,

A. concise B.devious C. elaborate D. feasible

Section B

Directions: Each of the following sentences has a word or phrase underlined. There are four words or phrases beneath each sentence. Choose the word or phrase which can best keep the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for the underlined part. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.

41. She fell awkwardly and broke her leg.

A. embarrassingly B. reluctantly O. clumsily D. dizzily

42. Throughout most of the recorded history, medicine was anything but scientific.

A. more or less B. by and large

C. more often than not D. by no means

43. The students were captivated by the way the physician presented the case.

A. illuminated B. fascinated C. alienated D. hallucinated

44. We demand some tangible proof of our hard work in the form of statistical data, a product or a financial reward.

A. intelligible B.infinitive C. substantial D. deficient

45. But diets that restrict certain food groups or promise unrealistic results are difficult——or unhealthy——to sustain over time.

A. maintain B.reserve C. conceive D. empower

46. The molecular influence pervades all the traditional disciplines underlying clinical medicine.

A. specialties B.principles C. rationales D. doctrines

47. One usually becomes aware of the onset of puberty through its somatic manifestations.

A. juvenile B.potent C. physical D. matured

48. His surgical procedure should succeed, for it seems quite feasible.

A. rational B.reciprocal C. versatile D. viable

49. These are intensely important questions about quality and the benefits of specialty care and experience.

A. irresistibly B.vitally C. potentially D. intriguingly

50. This guide gives you information on the best self-care strategies and the latest medical advances.

A. tends B.techniques C. notions D. breakthroughs













