
普通专升本 责任编辑:宋丽丽 2021-12-21






I .Phonetics (5 points)

Directions: In each of the following group of wards, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A,B,C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer sheet with a single line through the center.

1. A. typicalB. cycleC. nearby.D. apply

2. A. growB. fellowC. slowD. allow

3. A. explanationB. situationC. questionD. satisfaction

4. A. afternoonB. bloodC. toolD.goose

5. A. visitB. accuseC. consistD. phrase

II. Situational Dialogues (10 points)

Directions: In this section there is a long dialogue with 5 missing sentences. At the end of the dialogue, there is a list of given choices. You are required to select the ONE that best fits into the dialogue. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Note that there are 彻o additional choices and you may not use of the choices in the list mare them once.

W: So Mark. What is your favorite hobby?

M: Probably sports.

W: Anything specific? Or just sports in general.

M: Most sports. I like basketball, football, baseball, golf, tennis, so I guess most sports.

W: I like tennis. 6 ?

M: Yeah. I played on the school team starting from my freshman year. How about you?

W: 7 .

M: What other sports did you play?

W: I played volleyball. 8 .

M: What position did you play?

W: I was the hitter.

M: 9 . I didn't know you were athletic. It,s so rare to see a woman athlete around.

W: I don't know if I would consider myself athletic, but I have fun playing volleyball.

M: I play on a coed volleyball team every Tuesdays. We're always looking for more girls to play on our team.

10 ?

W: Yeah. Just call me anytime you need a player.

M: That's great. See you later.

A. I would have to say volleyball is my favorite

B. Did you play for your high school team

C. Don't mention it

D. Would you be interested

E. Thafs so cool

F. I played my junior and senior year

G. Is that serious

III. Reading Comprehension (50 points)

Section A (30 points)

Directions: There are 2 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A , B, C and D. You are required to choose the ONE that best fits into the statement. Mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Passage 1

Questions 11-15 are based on the following passage

Everyday we go to school and listen to the teacher, and the teacher will ask some questions. Sometimes, the classmates will ask your opinions of the work of the class. When you are telling others in the class what you have found out about these topics, remember that they must be able to hear what you are saying. You are not taking part in a family conversation or having a chat(闲谈) with friends 一 you are in a slightly unnatural situation where a large group of people will remain silent, waiting to hear what you have to say. You must speak so that they can hear you — loudly enough and clearly enough but without trying to shout or appearing to force yourself.

Remember, too, that it is the same if you are called to an interview whether it is with a professor of your school or a government official who might meet you. The person you are seeing will try to put you at your ease(轻松)but the situation is somewhat(一/点丿L) different from that of an ordinary conversation. You must take special care that you can be heard.

11. When you speak to the class, you should speak .

A. in a low voice B. forcefully

C. loudly D. as loudly as possible

12. Usually, when you speak to the class, the class is .

A. having a restB. quiet

C. seriousD. noisy

13. The situation in the class isthat in your house.

A. sometimes not the same asB. not very different from

C. sometimes the same asD. not the same as

14. If you are having a conversation with an official, the most important thing for you is .

A. to put the official at ease B. to show your ability

C. to make sure that you can be heard D. to be very gentle

15. The main idea of this passage is .

A. that we must use different ways at different situations

B. that we must keep silent at any time

C. that we must speak loudly

D. that we must talk with the class

Passage 2

Questions 16-20 are based on the following passage

Trees are useful to man in three very important ways: they provide him wood and other products; they give him shade; and they help to prevent droughts(干旱)and floods.

Unfortunately, in many parts of the world, man has not realized that the third of these services is the most important. In his eagerness to draw quick profit from the trees, he has cut them down in large numbers.

Two thousand years ago, a rich and powerful country cut down its trees to build warships, with which to gain itself an empire(帝国).It gained the empire but, without its trees, its soil became bare and poor. When the empire fell to pieces, the country found itself faced by floods and starvation(饥 饿).

Even where a government realizes the importance of a plentiful supply of trees, it is difficult sometimes to make the people realize this. They cut down the trees but are too careless to plant and look after new trees. So, unless the government has a good system of control, or can educate the people, the forests slowly disappear.

This does not only mean that there will be fewer trees. The results are even more serious: for where there are trees, their roots break the soil up, allowing the rain to sink in, and also bind the soil. This prevents the soil from being washed away. But where there are no trees, the rain falls on hard ground and flows away on the surface, and this causes floods and the rain carries away the rich topsoil in which crops grow. When all the topsoil is gone, nothing remains but worthless desert.

16. Trees are useful to man mainly in three ways, the most important of which is that they can .

A. make him draw quick profit from them

B. keep him from the hot sunshine

C. enable him to build warships

D. protect him from droughts and floods

17. Ifs a great pity that .

A. man hasn't found out that he has lost all trees

B. man is eager to profit from trees

C. man hasn't realized the importance of trees to him

D. man is only interested in building empires

18. Sooner or later the forests will disappear unless .

A. all people are taught the importance of planting trees

B. a country has a plenty supply of trees

C. the government punishes those who cut trees instead of planting them

D. people stop cutting down their trees

19. The word "bind" in Paragraph 5 means .

A. to wash away B. to improve

C. to make soil stay together D. to make wet

20. When there is a heavy rain, trees can help prevent floods, as they can .

A. prevent the soil from being washed away

B. cause the soil to allow rainwater to sink in

C. make the topsoil stick together

D. keep rain from falling down to soft ground

Section B (20 points)

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. You may not use any of the yvords in the bank more than once.

What is music? Music is sound arranged into pleasing or interesting patterns. It is part of every culture on Earth. People use music to 21 feelings and ideas. Music also serves to entertain and relax.

Music is a performing art. It 22 from such arts as painting and poetry, in which artists create works and then display or punish them. Musical composers need musicians to interpret(诠释) and perform their works. 23 , most musical performances are really cooperations between

composers and performers.

Music also plays a major role in other arts. Opera 24 singing and music with drama. Ballet and other forms of dancing need music to help the dancers with their steps. Motion pictures use music to help set the mood as well as introduce the actions or enhance(提高)its 25 on

the audience.

Music is one of the oldest arts. People probably started to sing as soon as 26 developed. Hunting tools struck together may have been the first musical 27 . by about 10,000 B.C.,

hollow bones had been used by 28 people to make flutes(长笛).The first written music dates from about 2,500 B.C.

There are two chief kinds of Western music, classical and popular. Symphonies(交口向乐),operas, and ballets are 29 music. It is generally harder to write and perform. Musicians who perform it need a lot of training. Popular music 30 country music, folk music jazz and rock music. It is easier to perform and understand.

A. popularD. ThusG. instrumentsJ. discussM. effect

B. combinesE. ancientH. expressK. includesN. classical

C. expectF. languageI. controlL. habit0. differs

IV. Cloze (20 points)

Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You are required to choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

There are 31 homes in China today that do not have a TV set. Most people, old and young, like to spend some time watching TV for 32 relaxation or amusement after a day's work or study. Television has become an essential part in our daily life, keeping us 33 of the news, instructing us in many 34 of interest, and entertaining us 35 singing, dancing and acting. In some places, it is possible for people to go to school by watching TV, so a person may get good education at home.

Children are 36 viewers of television. They are 37 fond of their TV programs

that they often forget their meals and go to bed very late. This 38 their parents very much. Some parents keep 39 that their children spend too much time on TV. But, 40 " there is

no need for them to worry about it. In spite of the fact that their children spend less time on their lessons, they are benefiting a lot from television indeed.

31. A. fewB.a fewC. little D. a little

32. A. weather B. neitherC. eitherD. whether

33. A. informedB.noticedC. performedD. acquired

34. A. aspects B. kindsC. partsD. fields

35. A. inB.forC. toD. with

36. A. permanentB.foreverC. normalD. keen

37. A. suchB.soC. very D. too

38. A. surprisesB.amazesC. worries D. influences

39. A. complainB. complainingC. to complainD. complained

40. A. in factB.as usualC. thoughD. however

V. Writing (15 points)

Directions: In this part you are required to write a composition entitled Electronic Books in no less than 100 wards according to the following Chinese outline. Please remember to write it on the Answer Sheet.

1. 越来越多的人选择阅读电子书籍;

2. 电子书籍有优势,同时也存在弊端;








